Monday, February 6, 2012

How to Remove Old Wallpaper

Removing wallpaper is a challenging job, but knowing what to do will save you time and problem. Here are the three most applied answers for dealing with old wallpaper. Think about which one you need to do, as this can be a frustrating task. Removing the paper is not always the smartest choice.

How to Remove Old Wallpaper

•Check out the wallpaper carefully. If it's flowing on there like a second skin, you can save a whole lot of really intensive project and time by priming it (if it's a shiny finish or a dark color or just not as smooth as you'd like) and painting over it. Use really good paint if you do this for the best coverage. Old paper that is intact can actually force bits of the walls off with it and sometimes it can produce a lot of expense as well as time and problem.

•Remove or cover everything that isn't nailed down really well. Place newspapers or tarpaulin over your floors, as this is really sloppy work. Put a large garbage can in the room with you. Make sure to line it and overlap the top lip of the can,because the dry paper can hard hard on anything and live serious to take off.

•Mix equal parts of fabric softener and warm to hot water. Pour it into a clean spray bottle. Use one that's iron as it will have a lot of hard use during your project. Some tribes like vinegar and warm water in equal parts but the fabric softener seems to often do cleaner.

•Start at a bed near the corner at the top of the wall. Spray a 4 x 4' section and let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes. Wet it enough so that it won't dry out.

•Rise up a corner of the paper with your putty knife. Try to lift about a 2 section. Now use your hands to softly tear it. Take it off in strips.

•Scratch any missed parts with the putty knife when you've finished the part. Wet it more if necessary at that point. Spray the bottom section now, letting it stand while you complete this one.

•Wipe the wall section with the dry thick towel after you've grated off any remaining paper. This will remove any traces of the old paste. Proceed on through the room, working from the ceiling to the floor one area at a time.

•Hire a steamer if you discover that you have different layers of paper. Sometimes they will all come off at once with a steamer. Sometimes they take a few at a time but the layers will come off a whole lot quicker than the spray technique. Wallpaper is made to be sturdy and you can't get more than one layer wet enough to take it off with a sprayer.

Tools and Materials :

•Fabric softener
•Large putty knife (3" is best)
•Clean spray bottle
•Fabric softener(use the cheap stuff-it works fine)
•Heavy towel
•Lined garbage can
•Newspapers or tarp for floors
•Steamer (you can rent these at home improvement and paint stores)

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